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Oh, the lame yet slightly interesting musings of a foreign teenager. Strange, quirky, (attempts to be) kind, and nerd in denial, Patricia [if not doing school work, playing the guitar/video games, or making crafts] enjoys writing about herself in flattering third person. If you would like a free pattern for any crochet piece, have a question, comment, snark remark, suggestion, opinion, fact, or such, please leave a comment below ^^

Sunday, April 6, 2014

DIY Spiderman Costume

Happy Spring Break! I'm. So late. This week, I spent a good portion of my time making this lovely ughhh. *headdesk* Sorry. But. With no means of sewing stretchy fabric by machine. I had to sew it by hand. And.
Painted red with acrylics.
Anyway. ^^

4 pairs of tights (2 red, 2 blue)
thread to match the tights (red and blue)
fabric marker
red flats
strong glue (I used E6000 along with gloves and a mask)
red (stretchy) long sleeved shirt
Patience. So much patience. (read: many many hours)

 Target sold these for $2.50 a pair (as they were on sale). Colors are Athens Blue and Anthem Red.

Each came with a white board thingy *see below* I cut and taped it like so, using it as a chest piece. Fake abs ftw *see red shirt pic*

Thing inside the shirt (fake abs)

Supergirl and Wolverina :3